Its the time of year all children hate and all parents cant wait for! All children in the UK will soon be going back to school leaving tired parents in their wake. As if this time of the year was not stressful enough many parents have to renew their children’s school uniforms (gone are the days of older siblings hand me downs!)
In answer to this all of the high street retailers have stocked their shelves full with back to skool ranges ranging from the budget generic Schoolwear with shirts at a mere three pounds for families on a budget to quality expensive ranges even some of the larger fashion houses are starting to turn on to this lucrative market.
However all this choice in an ever expanding market is starting to take its toll on busy parents who barley have the time to run a modern household let alone respond to the growing demands of today’s fashion conscious children
In an effort to help these parents many specialist retailers are forming partnerships with schools an collages to deliver to students a comprehensive line in childrens schoolwear that falls both in line with the schools dress codes and with the budgets of parents.
This system also allows schools to offer personalized embroidery and collage branding as an option for all school attire, this way schools can ensure that their pupils will be smart and well dressed ambassadors when out on school outings and parents can be assured that there child’s attire will adhere to the high standards of quality that the school has negotiated with the supplier as well as having a one stop shop for all school uniform and sports equipment needs.