Wednesday, September 21, 2011

With one of the countries largest events and venue expedition happening this week focus is firmly set on the hospitality sector and service industries!

Square Meals venues and events exhibition is currently showcasing the best the industry has to offer from big players such as the Hilton hotel group to smaller companies offering a more personable service to consumers.

One aspect that is being firmly showcased is the importance of corporate identity and most importantly how professionally designed uniforms focussing on brand recognition.  Corporate colour schemes and styles are being utilised by major companies to convey a style in keeping with the product designs ranging from classically styled silver service examples promoting decadence and comfort to modern chique designs denoting efficiency, professionalism and style.

Many top and new restaurants are exhibiting this year showcasing dining as more of an experience than simply 'eating out' here more than ever the use of bespoke uniforms for all staff is being used to enhance the brand and provide the customer with a memorable experience of dining and decadence.  In these frugal times more and more emphasis is being made to off the shelf solutions as a base for restaurant uniforms while personalisation is coming from either embroidery of brand or custom designed accessories which when properly employed can make an eye catching, elegant and unforgettable style that in itself can become a focal point for advertising and brand identity.

We have also seen an increase in promotional clothing being not only handed out at exhibitions but actively becoming a marketable brand for the business for example our keen eyes are starting to see t-shirts being sold at the ever popular Wagamammas restaurants!

Which ever way you choose to promote your business, a strategic corporate uniform strategy can be a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal and one that shouldn't be overlooked.

To early to think of your winter wardrobe?

With such a nice summer as we have experienced should now really be the time to start thinking of winter?  Well the corporate fashion industry is certainly beginning to turn its attention to a more winter orientated range.  We are starting to see the forerunners of winter collections across our desks and must admit that 2011 is gearing up see a very stylish winter .  With a leaning back to the more retro styles with a hint of modern lines we cant wait to see how the ever competitive corporate clothing sector reacts to an even more demanding market this year.

This year the consumer is demanding not only groundbreaking styles but durability and an harder wearing garment that is more resilient to todays hectic work hard play hard lifestyles.  manufacturers are already responding to this with innovative fabrics such as teflon treated cotton giving the wearer a durable performance from their outfit while remaining breathable when needed.  the classic wool mixes are still as popular as ever and the new bespoke style suiting methods are providing a welcome mid range customisable suiting solution without costing as much as a full blown fitted suit.

In summery the options for corporate suiting and accessories this year have expanded beyond any of our expectations here at the Corporate Clothing Blog and we are looking forward to bringing you more information on this exiting market sector as the winter months draw in.